Changes/suggestions are highlighted in blue.
Names Spelled Wrong: Susanne Bang, Mark Savicki, Todd Sorensen
District Goals: need to add common core standards to the goals,
Names Spelled Wrong: Susanne Bang, Mark Savicki, Todd Sorensen
District Goals: need to add common core standards to the goals,
· Teachers and students will use technology to create, evaluate, present, and archive instructional products that represent a mastery of knowledge.
o Demonstrate creativity and innovation. Check the original document. The way its written is redundant and does not make sense.
o Use technology effectively and productive. should be productively
spell out what ISTE NETS - what does this stand for
o Demonstrate creativity and innovation by promoting curiosity, creativity, and inventiveness. - this should be separated into 2 separate goals Demonstrate creativity... and Promote curiosity...
Professional Development:
add web 2.0 tools
· Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity by facilitating student learning and innovation through both face-to-face and virtual environments.
These 2 goals overlap:
· Provide training to teachers to support the integration of NEW technology into curriculum and instruction.
· Provide ongoing training change this to support instead of training (the support is ongoing) and staff development for teachers, support personnel and administrators for effective, efficient, and appropriate use of computer technology to support classroom instruction, and the professional and personal use of computers to improve efficiency.
· Design digital-age learning experiences and assessments by incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning. in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETS for teachers. delete the part in blue
The committee has fostered technological innovation through a formalized process where, - define this process more clearly - at the request of the teachers, the technology is provided as a pilot. This small team of teachers becomes trainers and support staff for that hardware as is the case with the iPod touches purchased last summer. (
The Technology Committee will complete an annual review of the Technology Plan. This review will include surveys from staff and students, curriculum reviews, and feedback from teachers and administrators during planning meetings. The goal will be to help meet the every should be ever-changing changing technology keeping current in the 21st Century.
The Technology Committee was created three years ago to support the demands, and changes of instruction. In addition to district initiatives, the Technology Committee works closely with teachers and students to remain current. For example, the committee created a five year digital portfolio plan to ensure that chosen work started in first grade would be saved for the life of the student. Starting in first grade, a student’s reading fluency can be monitored by audio recordings either in Audacity, Jing, or Glogster and now saved throughout the student’s years at Fayetteville-Manlius. are all first graders currently doing this or is this still a pilot
A yearly review of library services from BOCES is discussed by the Assistant Superintendent of Business, Superintendent of Curriculum, and Coordinator of Technology along with the librarians. The Coordinator of Technology reviews the hardware replacement plan on a yearly basis. The Computer Resource Teachers review all software in the fall to prepare computers for the spring. At this time new software is ordered and updated, or old software is removed. Performance reviews for all technology staff are yearly. Newer employees are evaluated multiple times per year. Performance reveiws should not be listed here and it is not clear who does these performance reviews.
If this is geared toward teachers, what would we want to add or make clearer for teachers:
Add how the technology committee is reflective on equipment/resources we already have,and how it is being used to identify best practices for equipment we already have, and sharing of information, projects and best practices among teachers.
Evaluation of the infrastructure
Evaluation of the hardware and software
Committee could look at specific projects being done with technology and determine if it is being implemented well and is it contributing to student achievement and increased knowledge and skills. Making sure we are not using technology for technology sake.
The examples here should be listed after the process is defined because this
The Technology Committee was created three years ago to support the demands, and changes of instruction. In addition to district initiatives, the Technology Committee works closely with teachers and students to remain current. For example, the committee created a five year digital portfolio plan to ensure that chosen work started in first grade would be saved for the life of the student. Starting in first grade, a student’s reading fluency can be monitored by audio recordings either in Audacity, Jing, or Glogster and now saved throughout the student’s years at Fayetteville-Manlius. get rid of blue examples such as jing here
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